Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Procedures in Cleaning, Tightening and Simple Repair of Hand Tools, Equipment and Paraphernalia

Hand tools and equipment are subjected to different levels of abuse while in use. These abuses may often result to the tools being dirty, loosely connected or even damaged. Before using any tool or equipment, one should inspect it properly to ensure accuracy, productivity of work, and more importantly one's safety.

The best and the basic thing to remember to keep hand tools, equipments and paraphernalia in the best condition after usage is to make sure that the workplace is properly organized and that the tools are used according to the correct usage.
Below are other tips in taking care of hand tools, equipments and paraphernalia:
  • The work area must always be kept neat and tidy.
  • All tools and equipment must be placed in a clean and dry place.
  • Clean tools and equipment work more efficiently. This lessens the effort needed to operate them and reduces the possibility of mishaps.
  • Before cleaning any tool, be sure to wear the proper personal protective equipment (PPE). Gloves, masks and goggles are usually worn when cleaning tools since most cleaning agents and solutions are harmful to the human body.
  • Only use cleaning agents as prescribed by the tool or equipment’s manufacturer. Follow the cleaning procedures as well to make sure that no damage will be inflicted on the tools.
  • Cleaning the tools after use is highly recommended.
  • Tools with moving parts often suffer loosening of its parts. This is normal since these segments keep on moving. A tool with loose parts will not function properly and may cause injuries.
  • Gripping tools such as pliers is an example that needs tightening. A plier’s rivet must be well tightened to be able to grip properly.
  • Lubricants must also be applied after tightening to reduce the friction.
  • Driving tools’ handles must also be tightened to reduce hand strain when turning. A loosely connected handle will make it almost impossible to use it.

    Information courtesy of :
In repairing tools, make sure you are knowledgeable of what you are doing and what you are supposed to do, as repairing tools without sufficient skills and information may result to further damage or inflict injuries to the repairer. Although small repairs like tightening, sharpening and changing of handles may not require special skills to do it is still worth having even a tad information to ensure the success of the repair and one's safety. It is strongly recommended that complicated repairs be brought to an authorized service center.

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