Saturday, March 18, 2017

Two tips for project making

On March 16 2017 our teacher for our ICT subject left us a task, we did our best but sad to say we did not finish it on time so we passed the project the next day, March 17, 2017. And with that I have learned two important things in doing projects or just about any assigned task to you. That being said I would love to share them with you:

Tip number 1

Teamwork - This is essential for the group to complete the given task on time. All the members of the group must exert an effort so that you may accomplish the given task on time.

Tip number 2

AVOID procrastination/distractions - This I agree may be hard for some but just think of the things you can do when you avoid being distracted and focus on your goals.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

The motherboard - part of the computer where such things as the processor, memory modules, expansion cards and external devices are attached. It controls the functions of different components. The number of connection slots for peripheral devices and the number and type of memory slots are important properties of the motherboard.
In addition to the various connections, the motherboard also has a small battery ensuring that settings made on the board are retained even when the computer is switched off.
The processor - The processor can be considered to be the ‘engine’ of the computer because it executes the lion’s share of the information processing; the processor fetches commands and necessary information from the RAM, carries out the tasks specified by the commands, and returns the processed information to the RAM. The speed of a computer depends largely on the speed of the processor.
Random access memory - The RAM (Random Access Memory) is a memory storage that functions during computer use and is especially utilised by the processor. In modern computers, the amount of RAM is around 4 – 16 GB depending on the type and purpose of the computer The RAM consists of one or more memory modules. If there is enough RAM, the computer executes requested tasks quickly. This is why it is a good idea to add to the memory by buying more memory modules as the need arises.
Hard drive - The hard drive is the permanent memory of the computer where saved files remain even when the computer is turned off. This is why the hard drive is used for saving files.
The capacity of hard drives varies; currently the typical capacity is 500-1000 GB, but hard drives of over 1500 GB, i.e. 1,5 terabite, are also available. However, the capacity of the internal hard drives in laptop computers is often less than that
Hard disk - It is used for the storage of the computer’s operating system and all important files. It is therefore packed in a fixed protective housing. The disks may become damaged in spite of this protection, so you should absolutely make backup copies of files on the hard drive from time to time.

DVD and Blu-ray drives with writing capabilities - Most computers these days come with a Blu-ray drive or a DVD (Digital Versatile Disk) drive with writing capabilities, with which you can burn such things as backup copies of important files to DVDs. CD drives are older and have mostly been replaced with DVD drives. CD drives can only burn data on CDs, which have a substantially smaller storage capacity, while DVD drives can burn data to both CDs and DVDs with more capacity.
The display and display adapter - Most computer displays are so-called LCD displays (Liquid Crystal Display), where the image display is produced by liquid crystals between two transparent sheets. Display sizes range between only a few inches in handheld apparatuses to large 24 inch desktop displays.
One of the most important features of the display is its resolution, i.e. how many pixels (picture elements) the image consists of.  A normal 22 to 24-inch widescreen display usually has 1920 pixels horizontally and 1200 pixels vertically (1920×1200). These displays can reproduce FullHD (full high definition) image.
Keyboard - A standard keyboard has 102 keys. The keys are divided into alphabetical (a-z), numerical (1-0) and special (Function, Ctrl, Alt etc keys).
In addition to the usual alphabetical and numerical keys, you should know at least the following special keys that are located among the alphabetical ones.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Parts of a computer and their purposes

Parts of a computer and their purposes

Mouse - Used for making selections. There are two buttons on a mouse. Most actions are performed using the left mouse button. Some mice have cords and some do not.

Image result for motherboard

The motherboard - part of the computer where such things as the processor, memory modules, expansion cards and external devices are attached. It controls the functions of different components. The number of connection slots for peripheral devices and the number and type of memory slots are important properties of the motherboard.

In addition to the various connections, the motherboard also has a small battery ensuring that settings made on the board are retained even when the computer is switched off.

The processor - The processor can be considered to be the ‘engine’ of the computer because it executes the lion’s share of the information processing; the processor fetches commands and necessary information from the RAM, carries out the tasks specified by the commands, and returns the processed information to the RAM. The speed of a computer depends largely on the speed of the processor.

Random access memory - The RAM (Random Access Memory) is a memory storage that functions during computer use and is especially utilised by the processor. In modern computers, the amount of RAM is around 4 – 16 GB depending on the type and purpose of the computer The RAM consists of one or more memory modules. If there is enough RAM, the computer executes requested tasks quickly. This is why it is a good idea to add to the memory by buying more memory modules as the need arises.

Image result for hard drive computerHard drive - The hard drive is the permanent memory of the computer where saved files remain even when the computer is turned off. This is why the hard drive is used for saving files.

The capacity of hard drives varies; currently the typical capacity is 500-1000 GB, but hard drives of over 1500 GB, i.e. 1,5 terabite, are also available. However, the capacity of the internal hard drives in laptop computers is often less than that.
Image result for hard disk computer

Hard disk - It is used for the storage of the computer’s operating system and all important files. It is therefore packed in a fixed protective housing. The disks may become damaged in spite of this protection, so you should absolutely make backup copies of files on the hard drive from time to time.

Image result for DVD and Blu-ray drives computer
DVD and Blu-ray drives with writing capabilities - Most computers these days come with a Blu-ray drive or a DVD (Digital Versatile Disk) drive with writing capabilities, with which you can burn such things as backup copies of important files to DVDs. CD drives are older and have mostly been replaced with DVD drives. CD drives can only burn data on CDs, which have a substantially smaller storage capacity, while DVD drives can burn data to both CDs and DVDs with more capacity.

Image result for LCD computerThe display and display adapter - Most computer displays are so-called LCD displays (Liquid Crystal Display), where the image display is produced by liquid crystals between two transparent sheets. Display sizes range between only a few inches in handheld apparatuses to large 24 inch desktop displays.

One of the most important features of the display is its resolution, i.e. how many pixels (picture elements) the image consists of.  A normal 22 to 24-inch widescreen display usually has 1920 pixels horizontally and 1200 pixels vertically (1920×1200). These displays can reproduce FullHD (full high definition) image.

Keyboard - A standard keyboard has 102 keys. The keys are divided into alphabetical (a-z), numerical (1-0) and special (Function, Ctrl, Alt etc keys).

Video card - The video card is an expansion card that allows the computer to send graphical information to a video display device such as a monitor, TV, or projector. 

A sound card - An internal computer expansion card that facilitates economical input and output of audio signals to and from a computer under control of computer programs.



Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Common Malfunction in Hand Tools, Equipment and Paraphernalia

As tools wear out at some point in time, the proper use of tools, equipment and paraphernalia will greatly increase efficiency, and lifespan. Having the proper knowledge and skills in using such tools is much needed for it to operate and use them effectively. But as time goes by problems and malfunctions may arise while using these tools. These malfunctions can be minimized by exercising careful usage of the tools.

Malfunctions and other unplanned and unusual events, although may not be totally eliminated, but can surely be minimized.
Listed below are some of the malfunctions and unplanned events when using the different tools in completing a job requirement:
  • When using a driving tool, screws may slip the tip of the screw driver. This happens when the screw driver is not properly aligned with drive of the screw’s head. This can be minimized by making sure that the tip of the screw driver is well secured in the drive of the screw’s head. Using a screw driver with a magnetized tip can also help minimize this type of malfunction.
  • Small objects tend to fall down when being held by a gripping tool like pliers. This usually happens when the jaws of the pliers are blunt, thus making it hard to hold on things. This can be prevented by making sure that gripping tools have well maintained jaws that can grasp objects properly.
Listed below are some of the malfunctions and unplanned events when using the different tools in completing a job requirement (continued):
  • The use of striking tools also imposes a great threat if there will be a malfunction. Common hazards are heads separating away from the handle. This could cause severe injuries to anyone. To avoid this type of accident, the handle of a striking tool must be tightly attached to its head.
  • Mishaps in using cutting tools is also dangerous. Malfunctions may arise from slippage of the material to be cut. This may also happen if a cutting tool is not sharp enough. These unplanned events will cause laceration and wounds to the user. To avoid this, cutting tools must always be kept sharp.
  • Power tools also impose danger during mishaps. Common problems are electrical short circuiting or mechanical problems. Malfunctioning power tools may cause electrocution and even decapitation of the limbs. These accidents can be avoided by making sure that all power tools are well maintained and are in fit operating condition.
  • Diagnostic tools may not impose a threat to the well-being of a worker but inaccurate reading may compromise the completion of a job requirement. Inaccurate reading may occur if a diagnostic tool is not properly calibrated. To avoid this, a regular calibration to all diagnostic tools must be done.
It is worth knowing that:
  • Nothing is permanent and there is no absolute way to avoid unwanted events, but we can be ready of what to do if it happens.
  • The only way to minimize the effects and possible damages is to use the tools properly
  • Always inspect and assess the tools before working.

Procedures in Cleaning, Tightening and Simple Repair of Hand Tools, Equipment and Paraphernalia

Hand tools and equipment are subjected to different levels of abuse while in use. These abuses may often result to the tools being dirty, loosely connected or even damaged. Before using any tool or equipment, one should inspect it properly to ensure accuracy, productivity of work, and more importantly one's safety.

The best and the basic thing to remember to keep hand tools, equipments and paraphernalia in the best condition after usage is to make sure that the workplace is properly organized and that the tools are used according to the correct usage.
Below are other tips in taking care of hand tools, equipments and paraphernalia:
  • The work area must always be kept neat and tidy.
  • All tools and equipment must be placed in a clean and dry place.
  • Clean tools and equipment work more efficiently. This lessens the effort needed to operate them and reduces the possibility of mishaps.
  • Before cleaning any tool, be sure to wear the proper personal protective equipment (PPE). Gloves, masks and goggles are usually worn when cleaning tools since most cleaning agents and solutions are harmful to the human body.
  • Only use cleaning agents as prescribed by the tool or equipment’s manufacturer. Follow the cleaning procedures as well to make sure that no damage will be inflicted on the tools.
  • Cleaning the tools after use is highly recommended.
  • Tools with moving parts often suffer loosening of its parts. This is normal since these segments keep on moving. A tool with loose parts will not function properly and may cause injuries.
  • Gripping tools such as pliers is an example that needs tightening. A plier’s rivet must be well tightened to be able to grip properly.
  • Lubricants must also be applied after tightening to reduce the friction.
  • Driving tools’ handles must also be tightened to reduce hand strain when turning. A loosely connected handle will make it almost impossible to use it.

    Information courtesy of :
In repairing tools, make sure you are knowledgeable of what you are doing and what you are supposed to do, as repairing tools without sufficient skills and information may result to further damage or inflict injuries to the repairer. Although small repairs like tightening, sharpening and changing of handles may not require special skills to do it is still worth having even a tad information to ensure the success of the repair and one's safety. It is strongly recommended that complicated repairs be brought to an authorized service center.

Safety procedures in using hand tools and equipments


With hand tools, accomplishing tasks has never been easier and more accurate than ever before, these tools provide convenience and ease in completing any assigned task,  in this case Computer Hardware Servicing. Although hand tools aid us to be more productive and accurate, it may also cause injuries and infirmities if incorrectly used. Safety procedures must always be prioritized in any workplace so that everyone's safety will be assured.

Here are some safety procedures in using hand tools and equipments:
1. Know your taskAs a worker, one must always be aware of the task he must accomplish so that he would know the hand tools that he needs.  Reading the operational procedures of a particular tool is greatly advised.
2. Know the right tools for the job - Knowing the right tools to be used not only makes you more productive, but also reduces the chance of inflicting bodily injuries.
Listed below are the different types of tools, their uses, and ways how to maintain safety in using them:
  • Cutting tools such as cutters and saws must always be kept sharp. Dull tools often cause more injuries and malfunctions than a sharp one. It is also required that a worker cut away from his direction or his hands and fingers.
  • Gripping tools such as pliers must maintain a strong grip. Handles must be slip-free, jaws have a strong grip and its blades well sharpened. To utilize this tool. A worker must firmly hold it by its handle and make sure the not too much stress is applied to the wrist or the arm.
  • Driving tools must always be kept straight. Wrenches must be free from any substance that may cause slippage. The jaws must also have a strong grip. Screw drivers must maintain a straight body, a non-slip handle, and an undamaged tip. Proper grip and turning of the wrist will also increase efficiency.
  • A striking tool’s handle must be well attached to its head to avoid it from flying away. To utilize this tool, a worker must hold it comfortably and firmly in his hand before swinging.
  • Diagnostic tools such as a tester must always be calibrated before use. Only use the tools as recommended by the manufacturer.
Information Courtesy of :

3. Observe the work area - Unsafe workplace greatly increases the possibility of injuries and harm. Be aware of the hazards present in the work area. 
4.  Observe the correct posture while working with the hand tools - Awkward postures make more demands on your body. As much as possible use tools that you are comfortable with and requires the least continuous force and can be used without awkward postures.
5. Use PPEs necessary to protect you from exposure to potential hazards - PPEs  or Personal Protective Equipment are specialized gear worn to protect the worker from hazards and to minimize risks to the workers health and safety. Wearing a PPE while working will greatly decrease the chances of injuries and discomforts.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Tools in Computer Hardware Servicing

Computer Hardware Servicing requires a handful tools to the ensure safety, and success of the hardware servicing.

Listed are some of the most common tools used for computer hardware servicing and their functions:

1. Anti-Static Wrist Strap - This device is used to prevent ESD (Electro-Static Discharge) damage to a computer equipment.

Image result for anti static wrist strap

2. Anti-Static Mat - This tool is used to stand on or place hardware on to prevent static electricity   from building up.

Image result for anti static mat

3. Flat Head Screwdriver - This tool is used to loosen or tighten slotted screws.

Image result for flat head screwdriver

4. Philips Head Screwdriver - This tool is used to loosen or tighten cross-head screws.

Image result for phillips head screwdriver picture

5. Torx Screwdriver - This type of screwdriver is used to loosen or tighten screws that have a star-like depression on the top.

Related image
Photo courtesy of :

6. Hex Driver - Also called a nut driver, the hex driver is used to tighten nuts in the same way a screwdriver tightens screws.

Image result for Hex driver

7. Needle-Nose Pliers - The needle-nose pliers is used to hold small parts.

Image result for needle nose pliers

8. Wire Cutter - The  wire cutter is used to strip and cut wires.

Image result for wire cutter

9. Tweezers - Tweezers are used to manipulate small parts.

Image result for tweezers

10. Part Retriever - This tool is used to retrieve parts from locations that are too small for your hands to fit.

Image result for part retriever

11. Flashlight - The flashlight is used to light up areas that you cannot see well.

Image result for flashlight

12. Lint-Free  Cloth - This cleaning tool is used to clean different computer components without scratching or leaving debris.

Image result for lint-free cloth computer

13. Compressed Air - Compressed air  is a cleaning tool used to blow away dust and debris from different computer parts without touching the components.

Image result for compressed air computer

14. Cable Ties - Cable ties are used to neatly bundle cables inside and outside the computer.

Image result for cable ties

15. Part Organizer - The part organizer is like your usual organizer but instead is used to hold screws,  jumpers, fasteners, and other small parts and prevents them from getting mixed together.

Image result for part organizer of computer